We are open M-Th 11-5, Fr-Sa 11-6, Su 12-5

"Winters Beauty...Welcoming Spring" is on view in our Lobby Gallery through May 6, 2025

On-line "Shopping" - We have a page with some of the unique items in our shop available for purchase via phone and drive up pick up -

Art on the Lawn Aug 9, 2025 -- Click here for the application.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Past Events --It's hip to be square -- if you dare

Village Artisans is seeking artists to participate in 
Dare 2B Square

What is Dare 2B Square?

Dare 2B Square is a unique visual art show. We welcome painters, photographers and mixed media to the show. Past displays have included, wood, mosaic tiles, paint on canvas, mixed media and photography. All artwork shown must be 12x12 inches. All artwork will be displayed at Village Artisans, Yellow Springs, Ohio for the month of October. During this time artwork is available for sale with all proceeds going to the artist.
An evening reception will be held for artists, guests, and the public on Friday, October 19th, 2012, from 6-9pm, with light refreshments.

For more information or to download an application by clicking here.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Winners from Art On the Lawn

Best of Show - Kotah Moon 


Honorable Mention:

Jewelry - Courtney Yoakum 
Fiber - Charlotte Wachtel 
Ceramics - Richard Overman
Glass/Enamel - Guustie Alvarado 
Painting/Drawing - Monte Ellison 
Photography - Cheryl Creech 
Mixed Media - Kimm Grey 
Other - Lisa Wenneman 

The winner of our 50/50 raffle was Ron Woolum from Springfield.

Congratulations to all!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

2012 Art On the Lawn Artists

Glenn Laurel Jewelry -- Carl Adelta -- jewelry
Dennis Allen --  ceramics
Daction Productions -- Alice & Richard Altman-- mixed media
 Guustie Alvarado -- glass
Danglez Jewelry -- Terri Anderson -- jewelry 
Brian Appel -- painting/drawing
Kendra Athy -- painting/drawing

Jewelry by M.E. --Liz Baldridge -- jewelry
Monica Balian -- glass/enamel
Suzanne & Steven Barger -- photography
Janet Beck & Scott Dann -- other/yard art
Dody Bowman -- glass/enamel
Canton Glass Works -- John Boyette -- glass/enamel
JR Bradley -- wood/metal/sculpture
Stephanie Brown -- mixed media
Mark Camden -- wood/metal/sculpture
Brenda Carl -- wood/metal/sculpture
Heather Chandler -- mixed media
Ed Collins -- wood/metal/sculpture
Beaniestalk -- Tereresa Clow-- other/leather/suede
Cheryl Creech -- photography
Tom Croce -- photography
Ann & Erin Cruze -- jewelry
Mozart Dane -- drawing/painting
Jim Delange Glass -- Jim Glass -- glass/enamel
Barbara Easley -- painting/drawing
Laura Elkins -- jewelry
Big City Skylines -- Monte Elison -- drawing/painting
Earl English -- photography
Jo Ettore -- mixed media
Douglas Fiely -- painting/drawing
Glass Lights Originals -- Patricia Finnigan -- glass/enamel
Dan Flanagan -- painting/drawing/photography
Mark's Designs -- Sandy Flora -- fiber
Richard Garland -- wood/metal/sculpture
The Glass Chain -- Natalie Geuy & Heather King -- glass/enamel
Meatless Art -- Kim Grey -- mixed media
Joseph Grimsley -- ceramics
Jason Hay -- painting
Fred Jacobs -- wood/metal/sculpture
Ben Jordon -- jewelry
Jonathan Kesler -- ceramics
Edward Kirk -- ceramics
AdoreJules -- Nancy Lacke -- jewelry 
Ravenstar Beadwork & Jewelry -- Rose Lawson -- mixed media
Tony Lewis -- painting/drawing
Rebecca Noel Designs -- Rebecca Loomis -- jewelry
Steve Lord -- photography
Susie Lowder -- painting/drawing
Art Joint Studio -- Beth & Michael Lynch -- painting/drawing/photography
Stacy Martz -- painting/drawing
Linda Mason -- jewelry
Krissie Mastin -- fiber
Amanda Matheny -- jewelry
Erin-Lynn McAleer -- jewelry
Lake Miller -- photography
Sarah Miller -- mixed media
Kotah Moon -- wood/metal/sculpture
Clarice Moore -- painting/drawing
Neil Moore -- photography 
Teresa Morbitzer -- jewelry
Maxwell Myers -- painting/drawing
Richard Overman -- ceramics
Living Earth Art Glass -- John Paglialunga -- glass/enamel
Fairport Hill Jewelry Designs -- Sara Payne & Louise Kloss -- jewelry
Nicholas Perrino -- ceramics
Sherry Petroschek  -- jewelry
Melinda Pinkerton -- painting/drawing
John Pyles -- photogrpahy
Tracy Hanlin Rohr -- jewelry
Paper Alice -- Alice Rusk -- mixed media
Joan Rutan -- jewelry
Batik Creations -- Roselle & Steve Sgambellone -- fiber 
Roger Smith -- painting/drawing
Pam Stockfish -- mixed media 
Melissa Sullivan -- glass/enamel
Karen Taylor -- glass/enamel
Tara Tenore -- jewelry
Weavefemina -- Judy Terrell -- fiber
Everlasting Furniture -- Les Thede -- wood/metal/sculpture
Charlotte Wachtel -- fiber 
Bonnie Wells -- drawing/painting
Artistic Woodworking -- Michael West -- wood/metal/sculpture
Libby Wilson -- jewelry
Lisa Wolters -- ceramics
Elaine Young -- jewelry
Courtney Yoakum -- jewelry
Alice Young--Basora -- jewelry 
Theresa Yee -- jewelry
Kelly Zalenski -- other/recycled clothing

Monday, August 6, 2012

Art On the Lawn -- This Saturday!

The Village Artisans, a cooperative of Miami Valley artists, is pleased to announce their 29th annual fine arts and crafts festival, Art on the Lawn, to be held on the Mills Lawn green, 200 South Walnut Street, in Yellow Springs on Saturday, August 11, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

This year's show presents scores of new and returning artists with a wide range of specialties, including yard, metal and glass sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, painting, drawing, photography, woodworking, hand-made furniture, stained glass, fused glass, painting on glass, fiber art, batik, face painting and even unique baby clothes.

Our featured artist for this year is jewelry designer Mary Kleismit.  Mary is now in her 80s and has been creating elegant jewelry for the past forty years.  She and her husband, Richard, have scoured the country for decades, collecting precious and semi- precious stones, puchasing rare pieces at international shows, as well as digging for the crystals that they use in their jewelry. 

Born in Yellow Springs, Mary grew up helping her father farm their 150 acres. She met her husband when she was attending school half a century ago, and they have been working together ever since, Richard specializing in rosaries, silver work, wire wrapping, and Mary in bead work, and tabbing - stone cutting and rounding and polishing for free- form pendant creation. Their display this year will include earrings, bracelets, necklecases in precious and semi precious stones, also large and small minerals and rough rocks. Mary says her purpose is to "help people appreciate what there is on earth and who put it there for us. I've always wanted people to love what God put here. So often, people don't realize what lies around them." 

An extra l attraction for Art on the Lawn, back for his 4th year, is Mozart Dane.  He’s a Great Dane and a Great Artist: “The dog who paints with his paws for a good cause.”  All his sales benefit Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue. "I have dedicated my life to this cause," states Mozart Dane on the Harlequin Haven website, " and in doing so I create art by painting with my paws.  Painting helps me to overcome my pain of my early days in a puppy mill and also helps with bringing awareness to these issues."

Whether it’s noshing from old-time food carts, listening to street musicians, having your face painted by a professional artist, taking a chance at the 50/50 raffle, or having the opportunity to see and purchase beautiful, hand-made art, Art on the Lawn is the perfect way to have fun in Yellow Springs on August 11. For more information, call Village Artisans at (937) 767-1209 or visit

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July's featured Artist -- Pam Geisel

 The summer has been busy for Yellow Springs fiber artist Pam Geisel. She had an article featuring her art quilts and note cards published in the summer issue of “Art Quilting Studio” magazine, and her art quilt, “Early Morning Nine Patch – Montana Sky,” won “Best of Show” in the Rosewood Art Centre’s annual juried landscape competition, “The View.” In addition,  she joined the Village Artisans cooperative and is the featured artist for the month of July in their gallery. She has several new art quilts on display through the end of July. A reception for Pam will be held at Village Artisans from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. as Yellow Springs celebrates Third Friday on July 20.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Meet Pam Geisel

Pam Geisel was born and raised in Ohio and took shop class in junior high so she wouldn’t have to learn how to cook or how to sew. Since then she has taken a few quilting classes but is primarily self-taught. She’s always considered herself an artist and has explored using many different mediums, but it’s designing with fabric that really grabs her passion, much to the surprise of her junior high self.

Her education and work experience was as a graphic designer and also as an instructor of both graphic design and desktop publishing. Her quilts often have a strong graphic quality to them, even if the sewing technique is sometimes non-traditional. She creates and sells original, handmade art quilts and quilt-related art both on-line and at art shows in southwest Ohio. She enjoys making both traditional quilts and art quilts and also makes custom quilts.

What interests her about traditional quilting is how a quilt square can look completely different if the shapes that make up the square are in different colors or tones of the fabric. She is also fascinated by the secondary patterns that emerge when quilt blocks are arranged together.

Lately she’s been doing more exploration with non-traditional fabrics and making art quilts that incorporated traditional piecing but in new ways. She’s often discovering new techniques and incorporating more than just fabric into her art.

Pam is inspired by everything around her: patterns in the trees and the leaves, designs in a tile floor, the shape of a wave. Sometimes she get an idea like a flash and other times the fabrics tell her what they want to be.

She has exhibited her art with the Ohio Designer Craftsmen’s “Best of” shows, OH+5, the Springfield Museum of Art member’s shows, and a special exhibit in the Experiencenter at the Dayton Art Institute.

She currently lives in Yellow Springs, Ohio, with her husband and four cats. You can view more of Pam’s work at and and

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Spring has Sprung

Spring has sprung all over our Lobby Gallery.   Please join us for our reception
on Friday, May 18th from 6-9 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thinking Inside the Box

Yellow Springs author and artist, Kathy Verner Moulton has been invited to participate in a mixed media exhibition, "Inside the Box," at the Expriencenter at the Dayton Art Institute. Kathy's 3-D collage, entitled "Inside Thinking Outside," is tied to her children's story, "Six Small Rabbits," in which the rabbits decide to explore the world. The opening reception will be held from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. on April 28 in conjunction with a “family day." The exhibit will run through April 7, 2013. Kathy is a member of the Village Artisans cooperative of Yellow Springs.

According to the Dayton Art Institute, "INSIDE THE BOX is an exhibition that explores creative expression and problem solving using that simple container we call a box. Although boxes are primarily functional, throughout history artists have elevated the box from something ordinary and mundane to something beautiful.

"With that premise as the basis for the exhibition, INSIDE THE BOX will demonstrate the beauty of the box as seen through the eyes of artists from various cultures as represented in the museum’s permanent collection. The exhibition will also include the creative work of 25 area artists who take a simple box and respond to the question: What would you do with an empty box to change it from ordinary to extraordinary?"

"When I first spoke to Arlene Branick after receiving the invitation," said Kathy, "I asked her how she knew my art. I was assuming me saw my show at the Fifth/Third Bank Building in Dayton. She said she had seen my work in the Yellow Springs Artist Studio Tour brochure and that she had followed the link to my website She noticed my children's illustrations and thought I would be a good fit for the show.

"My piece for the "Inside the Box" Show is tied to my children's story 'Six small Rabbits.' The rabbits in my story decide to explore the world and to stretch themselves beyond their normal activities. The box in my piece becomes a rabbit's burrow. I covered the outside of the box with a layer of dirt made of cork. The top has a grassy garden and a little picket fence. An easel and some paintings are standing in this garden. Inside is a beautiful home, with a pebble floor and of course carrot wallpaper. Sitting in the front room is a very comfortable stuffed chair and lying next to it, open, is a copy of 'Six small Rabbits.'In the background you can just catch sight of the rabbits' bedroom with a tree poster bed, a lamp table with a top hat waiting for some magic to happen, and a guitar case in the corner. Returning to the front room, you find a ladder leading to the ceiling, which is covered with clouds. Perched on top this ladder is Rabbit number 1. His elbow is outside of the burrow and his chin is resting in his paw. He is holding a paintbrush and thinking about what adventure is next. He is 'Inside Thinking Outside.'

"Each bit of my piece was handmade by me. The rabbit was sewn from a pattern of my own. The chair was also designed and sewn by me. I drew the wallpaper on my computer and printed it out on watercolor textured paper to give it that wallpaper look. The pebble floor was glued together piece by piece. I built the ladder and created the tufts of grass. The little book is an exact copy of my real sized book printed very small. The bedroom beyond the archway was painted on my computer, the bed, the table and the lamp all created on separate layers and fit into place."

Access more information on the Experiencenter and the exhibit at :

Thursday, April 19, 2012

We're not clowning around.

Sue Brezine's Retrospective has been held over.  She's having her second reception 
Friday April 20th from 6-9pm.  
If you can't make it Friday you still have until the end of the month to check out this great exhibit.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sue Brezine Retrospective

Sue Brezine brings "March Mindfulness" to the Village Artisans Event Gallery, 100 Corry Street in Yellow Springs, March 1 - 31. Inspired by Fredrick Fanck's "Zen of Seeing," Sue presents a retrospective of her work "to the viewer's quiet place of recognition" in watercolors, pastels and abstract acrylics.
Sue is a native Daytonian, and as a child, she studied at the Dayton Art Institute. Her teaching career began after a trip to the University of California, Long Beach to study with Betty Edwards, author of "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain."
Sue taught this method at Riverbend Art Center, Dayton, Kettering Adult School, and many other venues, and these classes let to the creation of the workshop, "Sketching Your Spirit," which has been presented to countless religious and professional organizations over the years.

Drawing led to painting in watercolor, and she has received numerou awards for her work, including recogniztion from the Western Ohio Watrcolor Society and "The Artist Magazine."
Sue is presently president of Fairborn Art Association, a member of Dayton Society of Painters and Sculptors, and past president of Western Ohio Watercolor Society. After a long and successful career of teaching, Sue is retired, except for membership in the Village Artisans in Yellow Springs. "Thank goodness artist never need to really retire," she says.

You may view her paintings at or call 937-767-9457 for further information. A reception for Sue will be held at the Village Artisans Event Gallery on Friday, March 16, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Big Birthday Plans for Ann

Eighty-Year-Old to Celebrate Her Twentieth Birthday with Exhibit at The Cannery

"The planned celebration came about," explained Ann, "when I realized that this year is Leap Year and I would, indeed, HAVE a birthday this year, and it would be my 20th; and ZAP!What was that? My God, I'm 80! Well, a milestone must be acknowledged, and I didn't want to wait until my 21st (too chancy - four more years), so I came up with this idea to gather together the many wonderful people I've met over the years and celebrate."
"The Cannery gallery," adds Ann "is managed by two friends, Marsha Pippenger and Christy Jennewein, and they are graciously allowing me to hang some of my recent work (as well as old favorites) and display my handmade books which rarely get to see the light of day. So it's a party/exhibit all in one, and I named it 'Exuberance' because I'm pretty exuberant about making it to 20! (80!)"
Included in the calligraphy exhibit, Ann says, will be a framed version of 'Exuberance is Beauty - Energy is Eternal Delight,' a quote by William Blake. "I'll also have 2 pieces inspired by Wendell Berry, the Kentucky farmer/poet whom I love. And two large pieces from a year-long study of "The Song of Amergin" - a 9th-century Irish bard's ongoing essay on one-ness, and some 3-D pieces: 'Homage to Timothy Ely' (a pyramid book), 'Metamorphosis Wheel,' and 'Recycled Resurrection,' which was built from pieces of writing left over from the book that I showed at the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra's performance of Leonard Bernstein's Mass.
"I have always loved books - I must have been a scribe in another life," says Ann, "and I have found calligraphy to be an enriching discipline in my life for the past thirty-some years, and it continues to grow into ever-new areas."

Eighty-year-old Ann Bain, Springboro calligrapher and member of the Village Artisans of Yellow Springs, will celebrate her twentieth birthday with an exhibit at the Cannery Art and Design Center on February 26 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (snow date, March 4), 434 East Third Street in Dayton.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Congratulations Pete

We know things have been quiet on the blog front for Village Artisans, but that's only because our artisans have been busy doing what we do best....MAKING ART. 

We are extremely excited to share some exciting news about artisan, Pete Mitas. He took the award for the Most Creative Use of Paper at the Rosewood Arts Center's Annual Dayton's Area Works on Paper exhibition. 

"Urban Scrawl" won the Most Creative Use of Paper award at the 22nd Annual Dayton Area Works on Paper exhibition. The exhibition is open to the public until March 9th at the Rosewood Arts Centre, 2655 Olsen Drive in Kettering.
Pete Mitas, a member of Village Artisans in Yellow Springs, hand colored both sides of artist trading cards with bold patterns and built the structure to enable the viewer to see each side of as many cards as possible. The design on each side of a card took 20 to 30 minutes to do and the structure was completed on and off over a period of three months. The work was completed only when Pete ran out of clips he used to connect the cards together.
Congratulations Pete!