She was self-syndicated and has appeared in newsweeklies (Chicago Reader, In These Times, etc.) and dailies (SF Chronicle, Detroit News, Milwaukee Sentinel). Her cartoons have appeared in Ms., Funny Times, Harper’s, The Progressive, Z Magazine, Utne Reader, Ethics and other national magazines.

She started making block prints in 2000.
1994: Why Dogs Are Better Than Men
1995: Adult Children of Normal Parents (Simon
and Schuster)
1996: Why Dogs Are Better Than Republicans (Harper/Perennial)
2000: Why Dogs Are Better Than Kids (Andrews/McMeel)
Anthologies (partial):
Penguin Book of Women's Humor
Creme de la Femme
Women's Glibber
Kitty Libber
The Best Contemporary Women's
Attitude 2: The New Subversive
Alternative Cartoonists
The Signet Book of American Humor
Solo Shows:
Chicago, IL 1998
Gallery, Yellow Springs, OH 2000
Old Town
School of Folk Music, Chicago, IL 2001
Café, Yellow Springs, OH 2002
Café, Yellow Springs, OH 2009
Museum Collection:
of Cartoon Art, Columbus, OH
Jennifer lives in Yellow Springs with her husband, Matt Minde, offspring Joseph and Eliza, and creatures.
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